【麻酔論文】 腹部大手術に対する制限輸液療法と自由輸液療法について (NEJM 2018.05.10)

制限輸液と自由輸液を比較するRELIEF試験の結果がNEJMに掲載されました。web先行公開です。 ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29742967 )

【麻酔論文】 低リスクから中等度リスクの外科手術患者の術後合併症に対する目標指向型血行動態治療の効果について:多施設ランダム化コントロール試験(FEDORA試験) (BJA,120 (4): 734-744 (2018) )


【麻酔論文】 術中深部体温に対する室内温度と温風加温装置の影響について (Anesthesiology 2018; 128:903-11)


【麻酔論文】 産後うつスコアを減少させる予測因子としての無痛分娩:後向き観察研究 (Anesth Analg 2018; 126: 1598-605)




【麻酔論文】 Does Dexmedetomidine Have a Perineural Mechanism of Action When Used as an Adjuvant to Ropivacaine? (Anesthesiology 2017; 126:66-73)


【麻酔論文】 Incidence and Risk Factors of Coagulation Profile Derangement After Liver Surgery: Inplications ofr the Use of Epidural Analgesia - A Retrospective Cohort Study (Anesth Analg 2018;126: 1142-7)

肝臓手術後の凝固能異常の発症率とリスクファクターについて:硬膜外鎮痛の使用に対する意義 - 後ろ向きコホート研究

【麻酔論文】 Myocardial Protection by Glucose-Insulin-Potassium in Moderate to High-Risk Patients Undergoing Elective On-Pump Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial (Anesth Analg 2018; 126:1133-41)


【麻酔論文】 Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass on Renal Perfusion, Filtration, and Oxygenation in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery (Anesthesiology 2017; 126:205-13)


【麻酔論文】 Intraoperative oliguria predicts acute kidney injury after major abdominal surgery (BJA 119(6):127-34 (2017))


【麻酔論文】 Ultrasound-Guided Dynamic Needle Tip Positioning Technique Versus Palpation Technique for Radial Arterial Cannulation in Adult Surgical Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial (Anesth Analg 2018; 126:120-6)


【麻酔論文】 Effect of Throacic Epidural Ropivacaine versus Bupivacaine on Lower Urinary Tract Function (Anesthesiology 2018; 128:511-9)


【麻酔論文】 Intraoperative "Analgesia Nociception Index"-Guided Fentanyl Administration During Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Lumbar Discectomy and Laminectomy: A Randomized Clinical Trial (Anesth Analg 2017;125:81-90)

セボフルラン麻酔下の腰椎椎間板切除および椎弓形成術において術中の"Analgesia Nociception Index"を指標にしたフェンタニル投与のランダム化臨床研究

【医学論文】 Balanced Crystalloids versus Saline in Critically Ill Adults (N Engl J Med 2018;378:829-39)


【麻酔論文】Association of Preoperatively Diagnosed Patent Foramen Ovale With Perioperative Ischemic Stroke (JAMA. 2018;319(5):452-462)


【麻酔論文】 Perioperative Steroid Use for Tonsillectomy and Its Association with Reoperation for Posttonsillectomy Hemmorrhage: A Retrospective Cohort Study (Anesth Analg 2018; 126: 806-14)


【麻酔論文】No Differences in Renal Function between Balanced 6% Hydroxyethyl Starch (130/0.4) and 5% Albumin for Volume Replacement Therapy in Patients Undergoing Cystectomy(ANESTHESIOLOGY 2018; 128:67-78)


【麻酔論文】Crystalloid versus Colloid for Intraoperative Goal-directed Fluid TherapyUsing a Closed-loop System (Anesthesiology 2018; 128:55-66)


【麻酔論文】Effect of Individualized vs Standard Blood Pressure Management Stragegies on Postoperative Organ Dysfunction Among High-Risk Patients Undergoing Major Surgery A Randomized Clinical Trial JAMA 2017;318(14):1346-1357

JAMA 2017;318(14):1346-1357Effect of Individualized vs Standard Blood Pressure Management Stragegieson Postoperative Organ Dysfunction Among High-Risk Patients UndergoingMajor SurgeryA Randomized Clinical Trial